What the heck is the Very3 Shared Application Framework?

What the heck is the Very3 Shared Application Framework?

The Very3 Shared Application Framework (v3saf) is collection of federated applications and codebase distributed free of charge to all Very3 hosted solutions. The goal of this project is to provide Very3 clients with a reliable, standardized, tested codebase that enhances the end-user experience, provides the utmost exposure to search engines and crawlers, and ensures consistency for site security and compliance regulations world-wide. This includes modules and extensions for:
  1. Sitemap generation
  2. Terms of Service and Privacy Policy compliance
  3. EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) compliance​
  4. Search engine optimization (SEO)
  5. Integrated site search
  6. Integrated content sharing 
  7. Backups and versioning
  8. Server and site health monitoring and reporting
  9. Login security and intrusion detection
Updates to the Very3 Shared Application Framework are released quarterly with policy updates published as needed. We will make every effort to notify all clients before pushing updates to your hosted solution server. If you have any questions or comments please contact support@very3.net.